Felix Wagner
PostDoc, Superconducting Quantum Bits and Sensors
Research Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher, ETH Zürich, Zurich, 2024 - ongoing
Quantum computing with superconducting qubits. Supervised by Andreas Wallraff.
Doctoral Researcher, Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna. 2020 - 2023.
Dark matter direct detection with the CRESST and COSINUS experiments. Supervised by Jochen Schieck, Florian Reindl and Wolfgang Waltenberger.
Student Researcher, Technical University Vienna. 2021 - 2023.
Reinforcement learning for the control of particle physics experiments (master thesis in mathematics). Supervised by Clemens Heitzinger.
Student Researcher, Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. 2019 - 2020.
Machine learning methods for the analysis of cryogenic dark matter detectors (master thesis in mathematics). Supervised by Jochen Schieck, Florian Reindl and Wolfgang Waltenberger.
Technical University Vienna, Vienna, AUT
Doctoral programme, Technical Physics, July 2020 - November 2023
Master of Science, Technical Physics, October 2018 - June 2020
Master of Science, Technical Mathematics, October 2018 - June 2023
Bachelor of Science, Technical Physics, October 2015 - June 2018
CERN School of Computing, Kraków, PL
Computing methods for large scale particle physics experiments, September 2022
Peking University, Beijing, CHN
Chinese Language Summerschool, July-August 2017
Higher Technical College for Biomedical Engineering, Mistelbach / Zaya, AUT
BHS Matura, June 2013
Awards and Fellowships
Schrödinger Fellowship: Individual funding by the Austrian Science Fund for a PostDoc position at UCB Berkeley, 2024-2026. I rejected the fellowship in favor of a counteroffer by ETH Zurich.
FFG Scholarship: Individual funding of the industrial PhD project ‘Machine Learning for Cryogenic Particle Detectors’, 2020 - 2023.
Club Alpbach Lower Austria Scholarship: Full scholarship for participation in the European Forum Alpbach 2020.
ÖAW AI Summer School Challenge 2019: Winner out of 30 researchers of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in the annual deep learning challenge.
Publications, Talks and Teaching
See Publications, Talks and Teaching.
Service and Outreach
EXCESS workshops: Chair and organizer of a workshop series on low energy excesses observed by many low threshold experiments, with five iterations since 2021. Summary paper online (see publications).
ÖAW AI school: Co-organizer of the annual school on artificial intelligence by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Next iteration in January 2023.
Dark Matter Day, 2022: Public presentation of the applications of machine learning methods in the CRESST and COSINUS dark matter experiments.
Social Artificial Intelligence Night (SAINT22), University of Applied Science St. Pölten: Public talk about the research done in the Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification Group (Heitzinger group, TU Vienna).
Non-Scientific Engagement
Internship at the Austrian Embassy Beijing (CHN), July - August 2016
Administrative Internship at the Austrian Embassy in Beijing, China. Accompanying meetings of the ambassador, research for a publication about economic strategies in cooperation with the Office of Science and Technology Austria Beijing.
Chairman Austrian Federal Students Representation and Student’s Association, 2012 - 2015
Federal Chairman of the Student’s Association (“Schülerunion”) Austria’s 2014/15 and Lower Austria’s 2013/14, Austria’s first Student’s Representative (“Bundesschulsprecher”) 2012/13