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I am trying to maintain a full and cronological list of talks, posters and presentations, however, it is possible that some are missing. Not listed are presentations in internal meetings (e.g. collaboration meetings) or that were part of either teaching or coursework.


ETH Quantum Center General Meeting, Schwägalp, Juni 2024: Talk. Infrared-induce excess quasiparticles in superconducting quantum devices.


Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Heidelberg University, November 2023: Seminar talk. Low energy excesses in cryogenic solid-state phonon detectors.


Quantum Computing Hub, ETH Zurich, September 2023: Seminar talk. Superconducting thermometers for the direct detection of dark matter.


18th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, August 2023: Parallel session talk. EXCESS workshop: a community effort towards understanding low energy excesses.


18th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, August 2023: Poster. Optimal operation of cryogenic calorimeters through deep reinforcement learning.


20th International Conference on Low Temperature Detectors, July 2023: Talk. Optimal operation of cryogenic calorimeters through deep reinforcement learning.


CERN Quantum Technologies Lecture Series, June 2023: Invited lecture. Superconducting thermometers for the direct detection of dark matter.


CERN Inverted School of Computing, March 2023: Lecture. A crash course in reinforcement learning.


ORIGINS cluster Data Science Days, January 2023: Invited talk. Machine learning for analysis and control of cryogenic calorimeters.


International Conference on Quantum Technologies for High-Energy Physics (QT4HEP22), November 2022: Poster. Superconducting thermometers for the direct detection of dark matter.


Outreach event organized by HEPHY for the Dark Matter Day, October 2022: Lightning talk. Spooky dark matter and how to find it with scary machines. One of my favorites, find the slides here.


21th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, October 2022: Parallel session talk. Control of cryogenic dark matter detectors through deep reinforcement learning.


14th Conference of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia (CSPM 2022), September 2022: Invited plenary talk. Joint talk with Clemens Heitzinger. Reinforcement learning for highly sensitive detectors for light dark matter.


14th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter, July 2022: Poster. Testing spin-dependent dark matter with lithium targets in CRESST-III.


7th Symposium on Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics (NDM22), May 2022: Parallel session talk. CRESST-III: testing light dark matter with scintillating phonon detectors.


Fourth Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences (NeurIPS 2021), December 2021: Poster. Nonlinear pile-up separation with LSTM neural networks.


Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium, November 2021: Poster. EXCESS workshop: A collaborative search for explanations for an exponentially rising low energy background.


20th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, November 2021: Poster. ‘cait’: New Data Augmentation Features for Cryogenic Particle Detectors.


Second Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Science, Industry and Society, September 2021: Contributed talk. A Python Package with Novel Raw Data Analysis Methods for Cryogenic Particle Detectors.


20th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, August 2021: Plenary talk. COSINUS: Dark matter search with cryogenic scintillating sodium iodide calorimeters.


HEPHY Data Science Meetup, October 2019: Reinforcement Learning for Experimental Physics.

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