Felix Wagner
PostDoc, Superconducting Quantum Bits and Sensors
Teaching assistant: Quantum Information Processing 2, ETH Zurich
2020 - 22
Lecturer: Statistical methods of data analysis, University of Vienna
I designed and taught the exercise classes on descriptive and inferential (likelihoods, Bayes, ...) statistics for physics graduate students.
2018 - 19
Teaching assistant: Electrodynamics I, TU Vienna
I supervised one of the exercise classes on electrodynamics and special relativity for physics undergraduate students.
Graduate Schools
CERN Quantum Technologies Lecture Series, 2023: Superconducting thermometers for the direct detection of dark matter.
Inverted CERN School of Computing, 2023: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning.
Summer school on artificial intelligence of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2021: Introduction to deep learning in PyTorch.
Romeck Kloezen (ETH, semester thesis, 2024)
David Tartarotti (HEPHY, bachelor thesis, 2023)
Kolos Niedermayer (HEPHY, bachelor thesis, 2023)
Daniel Bartolot (HEPHY, master and project thesis, 2022)
Yasar Ilhan (HEPHY, project thesis, 2022)
Damir Rizvanovic (HEPHY, master and project thesis, 2022)
Moriz Lackner (HEPHY, master thesis, 2022)
Fatih Okcu (HEPHY, project thesis, 2022)
Matthias Eiselt (HEPHY, project thesis, 2021)
Matthias Kettner (HEPHY, project thesis, 2021)
Pascal Schanner (HEPHY, bachelor thesis, 2020)